Some of us carry the pain of rejection from our Fathers. Do not let your life be impacted by their failure. Find comfort in our Lord and Savior. My Father not only destroyed our relationship, but he was a part of the destruction of the relationship I had with my children. My ability to forgive […]

I carry no sword because I know the truth. I carry no shield because I know Christ will protect me. When we fight for truth and gain strength from our faith no one can harm us. All they can accomplish is opening the door to our eternal home where Christ wait’s to greet us on […]

The odds we face are irrelevant. The courage that we manifest within will overcome any obstacle while fueled by the passion of faith. Fear is nothing more than an illusion the Adversary perpetuates around us to blind us from seeing truth. My adversaries’ evil malicious desire to punish me for sins they born false witness […]

You must first have moral influence and control within your own coastal water before speaking the truth in a neighboring territory. If one fails to accomplish this they will be cut down at the knees. “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you […]

If Edgar Allen Poe wrote the “Raven” today, his family would probably contact the police and accuse him of threatening their birds. How do you destroy someone possessing politics or testimony that contradicts the reality you want to reside in?You spread rhetoric that makes them undesirable while attempting to criminalize them in a republic where […]

I will build a woman the castle of her dreams and stand the watch on its walls for eternity to protect only her. My strength and passion are fueled by her desire to be the only one that serves me in its dungeon. Will you trust me as I trust you? Will you forgive me […]

We all have imperfections that perpetuate our mistakes in life, some consistent with what we are, others rooted in who we are. When you love someone, none of that matters. You stand the watch next to them, whether physically or spiritually, and help them as they move forward on their journey just as they have […]